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Posted on Nov 30, 2015 by in Random Subjects | 35 comments

I have a not-so-secret obsession. Vaporizers. Specifically, the Hankscraft model 240 cool mist kind. This is a longstanding addiction – lasting well over 40 years. I have a multitude of childhood memories of studying, reading, laughing, drawing, sleeping, eating, and even socializing, within a five foot radius of one of these beauties. Ask any of the people I have dated or lived with about this, and they will likely shake their head and laugh a little. As I said, it’s not really a secret.


The vaporizer is great as a sleep aid, but it’s not just the noise that I crave. It’s the cool mist, too. I like how it hangs in the air… and I like how it feels on my face. When I was little I was fascinated by how the tiny droplets of water would attach to every hair on my arm like frost on the trees.


The 240 is also an instant anxiety reducer for me. I think it goes back to when I was little and I would make “ditches” on the floor whenever I was stressed out or sad. I would take all of the pillows and cushions that I could find lying around the house, and pile them up in a big ring on the floor. I’d pull books and food and stuffed friends into the ditch with me, and I’d set up the vaporizer at the outside edge, pointing toward the center. I could sit there happily for HOURS, listening to the steady background hum of the machine.


There’s a saying that all good things must end… unfortunately, this includes vaporizers. The Hankscraft company started in Wisconsin, was purchased by Gerber, and later purchased by another company… and then divided… and renamed. Part of the original company continued to make vaporizers for a while, but eventually the model 240 was discontinued. This was devastating for me. I couldn’t go to Walgreens and pick up a new machine whenever the old one wore out.


About 10 years ago I discovered my beloved model 240 on eBay, and I’ve bid on a few. My husband jokes that he can tell when I’ve won another vaporizer because there is a certain sized box on the doorstep. I’ve got several in the basement now… in reserve. It’s comforting to know that I have a little bit of inventory handy.


For better or for worse, I’ve imparted my love of this machine onto my daughter. If it’s running, she’ll sit next to it with me, and we’ll laugh, tell stories, read, write… I hope that I’ll have enough inventory for her when she gets older and moves out. I’m not sure, though… maybe I need to get back on eBay?


Message of the Day: Childhood items can impart memories the instant you see/hear/smell/touch them. If your memories are good ones, it might be wise to keep one or two of these items on hand in case you ever need comfort. If your memories are bad ones… stay away from eBay.


  1. Does anyone know what years the 240 was produced?

    But, yes, crazy how this humidifier brings back the memories of peace, curiosity, and perhaps the chance of no school the following day!

    I remember ours buzzing in the 70s and into the eighties… today, they surely don’t make ’em like the vintage 240.

    • Great question – I don’t know the answer. It’s sad that they’re gone though… I agree!
      I use the YouTube video for the noise quite a bit. It is perfect for that calming feeling.

      • Melissa, I probably have the same obsession with the 240. For FYI there’s no need to ever throw an old one out if the motor burns out or worn bearings (making unit rattle). I replaced the motor in mine with one that’s same size & sounds the same, but it has Ball Bearings (better than the original motor had) so Rattles are gone.

        • I’ve been running the “improved” 240 a lot of hours now for probably almost 15 years.

          • Bryan – you were able to find a motor that fit and was an easy replacement? Well, that gives me hope for similar success someday!

    • The Hankscraft Model 240 started appearing in newspaper ads as early as January 1961. It was originally called the Vapor-Master. They offered a lifetime motor guarantee! The company had manufactured other models previously. I live with somebody who is just as obsessed with the 240 as sleep aid as you are Melissa. This past winter the motor burned out, but of course there’s nobody to honor the lifetime guarantee anymore. I tried to fix it to no avail. And then today she scored one at a yard sale for $2.00! Runs perfectly. I did some research trying to date it. It’s from the era 1975-1980 based on the logo and packaging compared to some of the old ads I found. Ads for the 240 disappear from newspapers by about the end of 1991.

  2. I agree 100% with you! These machines are amazing. I just hear the noise and I am transported to a comforting 1978! I wish they were still made!

  3. i know this is a LONG shot- but any chance you want to sell 1- even the most banged up? My best friend that is DYING to have this, but Im in Canada and the ebay sellers are WAY over charging for shipping( sometimes more than the humidifier itself) and i really want to wow her for her birthday. Thanks

    • Hello Jodi — I am sorry, but no. I used to have a little stash, but not anymore. I agree — the shipping fees can be very high, even here in the states! Sometimes I’ll find a 240 on Ebay at a reasonable price, only to be squashed by a shipping fee over $25 or $30! But, sometimes, there’ll be one where the shipping isn’t too bad. Also, SOMETIMES I get REALLY lucky and see a 241 for sale on Ebay — they are smaller and don’t always come with as high of a shipping charge… and have the same sound which is key. Good luck on your quest to find one for your friend!

      • What do you do to clean/maintain your 240? Finding manuals is challenging?

        • Hello-
          See Danny’s comment below — that was helpful! For regular upkeep. I run the machine for an hour every week or two with a 1/2 cup of bleach added to a full tank of water. I plug up the nozzle with a rag so that the bleach doesn’t mist out everywhere. After the hour, I rinse the machine with clean water and then wipe it dry. Good luck!!

          • I will have to try that. I use a toothbrush and with the calcium buildup vinegar to get it cleaned but running it with bleach sounds much easier. To clean the nozzle I also use q-tips but it doesn’t always get all the buildup removed.

  4. I share your affection for that humidifier ! The sound of my childhood ! Found one in PERFECT condition at a garage sale for $5. Talk about a great day !!!! Cleaning it up right now and planning on a great day/night surrounded by that misty, lull hum 🙂

    • Wow! That WAS a find! Did it sound right? I still haven’t found a good way to clean the dust bunnies out of upper part of an old humidifier. Have you?

      • To clean it you have to disassemble. You need 2 screwdrivers, one for the outer shell and once that is removed, you’ll need a small one for the motor. Once you have removed that, use compressed air to clear out the dust and WD40 to help grease the motor. This will make it good as new and sounding like it just came out of the box. It takes 10 minutes once a month and is well worth it.

        • Thank you for the information! I’ve taken apart the machine a little… but haven’t been able to get the motor out, despite taking out those little screws. I’ll look a little closer and be more brave! Thanks again!

          • I have repaired these for years and I have been addicted to the hum of this unit since the 1970’s when I was very young. I would never throw one of these away thinking it had “worn out” since the only part that can ever really go bad is the small electric motor which I can usually find for under $5 and which only takes about 20 minutes to replace. Other than that there are no moving parts and I believe new motors should last for 20 years or more even with heavy use.

            I wouldn’t use regular WD-40 to lube the old motor as that will serve to collect dirt and other particles. WD-40 dry lube will work fine if used sparingly. This lubricant goes on wet and evaporates quickly leaving behind only the dry lubricant. I agree with Danny that disassembly is the best way to clean out the intake area perfectly, but that may be more than some people can/want to do. In this case, use a can of compressed air (or a compressor with a nozzle) and blow out all 4 intake vents on the top piece.

            You are not alone in your obsession. I know many people that remember this type of vaporizer and there are even 8 hour long you-tube videos of this thing running that people listen to as a sleep aid! It’s not quite the same without the water vapor, but it will work in a pinch or during the warmer months.

          • Todd — I, too, have found the long YouTube videos with sound, and agree that they’ll do in a pinch.

            I never thought about finding a replacement motor for a failing humidifier, what a great idea! Would you ever consider doing a You Tube repair/motor replacement video? You could discuss the types of motors to look for, tips/tricks such as the dry WD40 one you mentioned before…? I am positive that folk would find the information valuable!

            Thank you for writing in!


          • I am also addicted to these vaporizers! The sound and moisture is a perfect blend that can not be found with any other vaporizer! I currently have three that were purchased of ebay, and I killed the motors on all of them. Any insight on where to purchase new motors would be greatly appreciated! Thank You

          • Martin,
            I’m sorry, no. I don’t have any specific ideas on where to find replacement motors. If there’s a small appliance repair shop where you live, that might be a good place to start? Good luck!

  5. I have the same exact obsession. When I was a kid I loved the sound of the vaporizer and the feel of the mist on my face. None of the new vaporizers sound or feel like the Hankscraft 240. Why oh why did they stop making those.

    • I know… why oh why did they stop?? Sometimes I imagine acquiring the patent so that I could start making them again… but that’s only a dream. I recently bought a 241 from ebay — a smaller version of the 240. Same sound, but cuter. 🙂 Thank you for reading and commenting!!

  6. I just bought one on eBay. I’m excited to see what memories it will stir up when I use it. I remember staying home from school and making a bed on the couch with the vaporizer pointing towards me and the blankets getting cool and damp. Loved it!! When I started looking for one a few months ago I found a youtube video of the sound of the Hankscraft on a 2 hour loop. I listen to it when I can’t sleep. I can’t wait for it ti be delivered. I’m totally calling in sick to work to break it in!!

    • Oooh! I’ll have to look for that You Tube video! I’ve thought about recording the sound, but haven’t managed to do it, thus far. Enjoy your new purchase, and thank you for commenting!

  7. I’m currently looking at a vaporizer/humidifier to purchase off a lady who is saying its a hankscraft model 207-V which she purchased a year or two ago a chemist but I can’t find any information on it. Just wondering if you could help me.

    • Hello Kim- I’m sorry — I don’t know anything a Hankscraft model 207-V. Only the 240. Good Luck!

  8. I have the exact same story. I vaguely remember my parents buying it for me when I had the ‘croop’ in the early 1980’s. My parents told me that I loved the humidifier so much that I refused to sleep without it. I also remember having pre-bedtime talks with my parents sitting next to the machine with the calming noise and cool mist as it collected on my face.

    Now in my 30s, I still sit in front of my 3rd rendition of the model (fortunately I have 2 backups for parts). It is by far the best anxiety reliever I own and I instantly am relaxed regardless of how much pain or anxiety I suffer from as well as brings back the memories of my childhood. I devote a good amount of time to this day reading in front of it as it relaxes me with its cool mist and sound.

    Finally, it’s definitely a deal breaker in my relationships as its a part of my life. I am so happy to hear there are other people with the same experience!

    • Amazing! I keep a few around for parts, too. Sometimes I wonder if I could start a business in small-appliance repair…?

    • Oh, me too but my bouts with croup were in the 1960’s. Although that was no fun, the memories of how that humidifier always made me feel are the best and make me think of mama’s love!

      • Ah… memories! Nothing like sound or smell to take a person back to a past time, yes?Thank you for reading and commenting!!

  9. That’s the one we had when I was a kid! Now I have one that looks like a modern Danish sculpture. Thanks for reminding me get it out – cold and flu season is coming and this is my secret weapon!

    • Did you dig your humidifier out? I hope everyone is well at your house!!

  10. I’ve got a cool mist humidifier that I use as part of a vortex chamber I built for my classroom. They are so into it.

    • I’d like to see a video of it sometime? Vortex chamber…?


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